Our mission is to stand strong together and provide our members with information, services, and the resources to succeed in today’s marketplace. We are dedicated to guarantee that every member has rights in the workplace, a fair wage, and hope for the future through strong advocacy and direct action.
Some of the benefits of being a Union Carpenter
The Carpenters Union benefits are the best in the industry. They are established through collective bargaining between union and management representatives and administered by Trustees equally representing both sides. For every hour a carpenter works employers contribute specified amounts to cover the member’s benefits.
Our members enjoy the wages, working conditions and benefits that allow them to provide a decent living for themselves and their families. Download the 2017-2018 Commercial Central Region Wage/Fringe Benefit Rates.
Helping Hands, for financial hardships, write a letter to E-Board for assistance up to $500. Sick Committee Chairman Marty Markiewicz at (708) 502-1950, pays $35 per week, up to 12 weeks per illness/injury.
The Carpenters’ Health Benefits Fund provides family coverage to all members who meet the requirements under the collective bargaining agreements, employers are required to contribute to the Health Fund on behalf of the Carpenters that they employ.
The Annuity Plan is an individual account plan to which employers make contributions for each hour that a member works in covered employment.
The Carpenters’ Pension Fund entitles our members to earn a monthly income payable at retirement.
We provide career advancement through specialized Journeymen training courses taught by qualified instructors at no cost to the members.
Our commitment to training builds the skilled, productive workforce that is in demand today and the future needs of tomorrow.